

人类和机器人合作是自动化技术领域未来的发展方向。机器人成为人类的合作伙伴,并且能够通过其传感器与工作人员进行无障碍合作。 Defortec设计公司为Daimler AG的TecFabrik开发了这项未来技术的设计,用机器手来自动设置汽车车身底部的密封盖。 除设计开发外,Defortec设计公司也从事并参与详细的样机研制和复杂住宅系统的制造。




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Good to know...

A small glossary intended to
simplify the understanding of design Glossary
"German Design Council"

The German Design Council is part of the leading international centers of expertise in design. As a provider of services for the economy its offering a unique plattform for the transfer of brand and design competence knowledge across the different sectors. The German Design Council celebrated its 60th birthday in 2013. Its foundation is based on a resolution of the lower german house of parlament, which demanded an establishment of a body that secures competitiveness and best quality of german products.