
作为专业服务提供商,defortec有限公司基于长期的专业知识、深厚的设计能力和技术专长,为国际市场设计和开发创新的工业设计和产品设计。 我们提供技术、功能和美学的结合体,赋予产品独特的身份。

对于defortec而言,成功的设计开发应着重于以热情而独立的姿态,开发具有品牌特定和独特品质的产品。我们客户的产品具有明确的设计风格和高认知度。 我们的设计处处可见创新。 我们鉴定并优化,改善人体工程学和工艺技术,为新产品提供安全性和信心。



在设计过程中,您可以找到有关各种项目步骤的详细说明。 这些步骤显示了我们对设计-成本这一点的重视:可盈利产品的智能设计,最终使其达到美学和经济目标的完美共生。


Good to know...

A small glossary intended to
simplify the understanding of design Glossary
"Machine design"

Machine design is concerned with the design of production facilities. Its duties include the form-finding, the brand development and optimization of function under special consideration of the needs of a target group.

Durable economic goods that are purchased by companies for creating and editing of goods and bookkeeping allocated to fixed assets are illuminated and developed under a design view. This includes the upgrading, optimization and emotional appeal of production and other production tools such as test equipment and tools.